NOT A 10 FROM your hexed pal
Seriously. Girly techno isn't my style.
But that's my taste. the music itself is really cool. You're lucky my computer had to be reinstalled or my music would've kicked your arse. ^^
I feel that something is missing in this piece... I belive it's background. No sound in the background to fill up the small empty hole that is gaping. even a small string or a tiny "gay" melody would fit.
Either your music style or mine has changed cus I for some reason don't feel the same energy and freaked up fat sounds that you mocked around with making cool random noises. But then again you HAD to use these vocals for that competition. I belive you got some support. :9
Now this review has gone so far so I've probably forgotten the important or supportive thingy I wanted to say so whatever. 9/10 - 5/5
Yes... I vote 5 cus this is music is great anyway. even if it's not my style! @_@
OMGWTF MY NAME IS HERE!!! Look!! It says: Dj Hexor. But that's not what I use to call myself?! WHY AM I TORMENTING MYSELF?!??!??!!¿
I'm not even DJing!!